Nintendo DSi

Nintendo's pocket dwelling, one eyed monster is getting a significant upgrade with the new DSi(Unlike the new Sony PSP).The DSi features a thinner body, one external 0.3mp camera and one located on the hinge, and larger 3.25 inch screens. The thinner profile is due to the removal of the GBA slot and is replaced with an SD slot which is used to store music, photos, and games. The SD slot also comes in handy for the new DSi Shop service that lets you download games and various content via the DSi's WiFi connection.

I'm still a little dissapointed that theres only a 0.3mp camera, with most cell phones sporting 1.3 MP cameras as the standard now. Then again, I haven't owned a portable gaming device since my Gameboy Advanced and even then I hardly used the thing. I'm not going to be suprised when I see younger kids walking around with these new sleek gaming devices; however I doubt most 16+ year olds would purchase a DS in America.

Link: $TBA

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